Nursery & Children's Ministry
We seek to provide a meaingful and engaging ministry to children from the time they are born until they move on to Youth Ministry in 7th Grade. We strive to connect children with the story of our faith through lessons, play, and fellowship!
To learn more about the Nursery or our Children's Ministry, click HERE.
To learn more about the Nursery or our Children's Ministry, click HERE.
Youth Ministry
As our children grow and begin their middle and high school years, we seek to tailor our ministry to meet these specific and changing needs. Youth Ministry, which is for 7th through 12th graders, connects students to the story of our faith through lessons, games, service, and fellowship.
To learn more about Youth Ministry, click HERE.
To learn more about Youth Ministry, click HERE.
Adult Ministry
As Christians, we believe we never stop learning or growing! Our Adult ministry provides opportunities to learn and grow throughout out our adult lives. This takes the form of service projects, small group learning opportunities, and times of fellowship.
To learn more about Adult Ministry, click HERE.
To learn more about Adult Ministry, click HERE.